最近部门在推行单元测试框架的时候,对C++有指定使用gtest,但对php并没有规定使用的框架,在试用了几个php单元测试框架后,认为simpletest这个框架最简单易用,而phpunit实在过于庞大与繁琐了。 这里简单说一下simpletest的使用。一个简单的unittest文件如下:
define('BASE_PATH','/home/dantezhu/appbase/php/'); require_once BASE_PATH . '/simpletest/autorun.php'; class TestOfSite extends UnitTestCase { function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } function setUp() {} function tearDown() {} function test_case1() { $this->assertTrue(true); } } $test = &new TestOfSite(); //$test->run(new HtmlReporter()); $test->run(new TextReporter());
$test = &new TestOfSite(); //$test->run(new HtmlReporter()); $test->run(new TextReporter());
最后的这几句是用来执行单元测试,TextReporter会用文本方式展现,HtmlReporter会用html方式展现,对web调试比较友好。 下面就是几种基本的assert方法。
assertTrue($x) Fail unless $x evaluates true assertFalse($x) Fail unless $x evaluates false assertNull($x) Fail unless $x is not set assertNotNull($x) Fail unless $x is set to something assertIsA($x, $t) Fail unless $x is the class or type $t assertNotA($x, $t) Fail unless $x is not the class or type $t assertEqual($x, $y) Fail unless $x == $y is true assertNotEqual($x, $y) Fail unless $x == $y is false assertWithinMargin($x, $y, $margin) Fail unless $x and $y are separated less than $margin assertOutsideMargin($x, $y, $margin) Fail unless $x and $y are sufficiently different assertIdentical($x, $y) Fail unless $x === $y for variables, $x == $y for objects of the same type assertNotIdentical($x, $y) Fail unless $x === $y is false, or two objects are unequal or different types assertReference($x, $y) Fail unless $x and $y are the same variable assertCopy($x, $y) Fail unless $x and $y are the different in any way assertSame($x, $y) Fail unless $x and $y are the same objects assertClone($x, $y) Fail unless $x and $y are identical, but separate objects assertPattern($p, $x) Fail unless the regex $p matches $x assertNoPattern($p, $x) Fail if the regex $p matches $x expectError($e) Triggers a fail if this error does not happen before the end of the test expectException($e) Triggers a fail if this exception is not thrown before the end of the test
整体来说,simpletest的很多思想和gtest不谋而合,比如说不用注册用例等。 详细的文档可以参见如下链接: http://www.simpletest.org/en/first_test_tutorial.html
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